Hydro-Quebec program

Efficient heat pumps

Opt for an efficient heat pump and benefit from financial assistance from Hydro-Québec

During the cold season, a heat pump can be up to three times more efficient than electric baseboard heaters for heating. Indeed, this electrical device absorbs heat from the outside air and sends it inside the house. Even at −20°C, a low-temperature heat pump (sometimes called “cold climate”) provides a good amount of heat and meets some of the heating needs. It’s a great way to save on your electricity bill.

To maximize the performance of a new heat pump, make sure it is properly sized. And don’t forget to ensure that it meets the eligibility criteria of the Efficient Heat Pumps program in order to benefit from financial assistance from Hydro-Québec.

How to obtain financial assistance from Hydro-Québec

Here is an overview of the steps for submitting and processing an application for financial assistance under the Efficient Heat Pumps program. To make sure you choose a product eligible for financial assistance,  consult the list of eligible heat pumps  [PDF 8.7  MB ] . For detailed instructions, see the  Participant’s Guide  [PDF 414  KB ] .

  • Step 1 — Have the necessary documents and information on hand.
  • Step 2 — Complete the  online financial aid application .
  • Step 3 — Hydro-Québec evaluates the request and, if applicable, informs you of the terms and conditions relating to the RL-27 slip.
  • Step 4 — Hydro-Québec sends you the financial assistance.


Green Heating Program

Fuel Oil Systems Removal

Chauffez Vert Grant 

Replacement of an oil or propane central heating system with a system powered by eligible renewable energy, such as electricity. 

Work leading to the complete dismantling of the central heating device (furnace or boiler) that uses fossil fuel and the removal of the tank (oil or propane) may be eligible for financial assistance from the Chauffez vert  program  . The system can be  hot air circulation  or  hot water circulation . Natural gas fueled systems are not eligible. 

Amount of Chauffez vert financial assistance for the conversion of a central heating system according to the type of dwelling 

Renoclimat program

Canadian Grant for Greener Homes

The Rénoclimat program is intended for owners (individuals or businesses) of homes located in Quebec, who wish to renovate them to improve their energy efficiency. It is possible to participate several times in the Rénoclimat program for the same home. By participating several times, you can obtain financial assistance at each stage of your energy-efficient renovation project for greener homes.

What’s new?

Canadian Grant for Greener Homes

On May 27, 2021, the federal government unveiled details of the Canada Greener Homes Grant, financial assistance for homeowners who carry out renovations to make their homes both more energy efficient and more comfortable.

In Quebec, homeowners must register with the Rénoclimat program to benefit from this subsidy. The financial assistance offered by the Rénoclimat program will be adjusted for each participant based on the work carried out and the amount offered by the federal program. The two amounts of financial assistance are not cumulative for the same measure.

Participants in the Rénoclimat program who received an assessment before the announcement may be eligible for the federal program for eligible work carried out since December 1, 2020. Service  Canada will contact eligible participants to advise them of the procedure to follow. avail of it.

Greener Homes Offer

The Canada Greener Homes Grant is for owners of a qualifying principal residence. The amount offered can reach $5,000, for example, for the upgrading of certain cooling and heating systems, work affecting the building envelope, such as windows and insulation, and certain measures related to renewable energies.

What is offered under this initiative?

Up to 700,000 grants of up to $5,000 each to help homeowners make energy-efficient renovations to their homes, such as improving insulation.

EnerGuide evaluations (valued up to $600) and expert advice for homeowners so they can start planning their renovations.

Participants can receive up to $5,600 in total under the initiative. Updates will be provided over the life of the initiative to keep owners informed.

Eligible homes

    • Single-family dwelling (individual, semi-detached, row or mobile home)
    • Duplex
    • Triplex
    • Multi-unit residential building with 4 to 20 units (New)


The dwelling must comply with the following characteristics:

    • have no more than 3 floors above ground;
    • have a maximum floor area (footprint) of 600 m2;
    • have an intact and completed envelope;
    • be built and inhabited for at least 12 months prior to participation in the program;
    • be habitable year-round;
    • be residential for more than 50% of the total floor area;
    • be located in the territory of Quebec.


The home must also meet the following criteria:

    • stand on permanent foundations;
    • have a heating system capable of maintaining the temperature inside the dwelling at 21°C;
    • have an electrical entrance with alternating current distributed throughout the dwelling;
    • be supplied with drinking water provided by the municipality or by a private source;
    • be served by a sewer service provided by the municipality, by a private septic tank or by a waste water tank;
    • have at least one bedroom, one bathroom and a kitchen area including a sink and a regular working oven.



Some homes that meet all the characteristics mentioned above may nevertheless not be eligible for the Rénoclimat program (examples: homes that are too leaky or too large; buildings with too specific a configuration). If it is impossible to carry out the blower door test during the energy evaluation of the house, it will be considered as not eligible for the Rénoclimat program. If you have any doubts about the eligibility of your home, discuss it with the Rénoclimat evaluator.


Novoclimat program

Energy Transition Quebec offers financial assistance to encourage the construction of Novoclimat houses.

  • The  first owner  of a new Novoclimat certified home receives  financial assistance of $2,000 .
  • For the buyer of a first home , that is to say, who accesses the property for the first time, an additional financial assistance of $2,000 is also granted, for a  total assistance of $4,000.
  • If an eligible heat pump is installed,  the owner will receive  additional financial assistance . To do so, the system must be registered on the  list of heat pumps eligible for financial assistance .

Eligibility criteria

  • Are eligible for the Novoclimat – House program new single-family dwellings (detached, semi-detached or row house), bigenerational and single-family dwellings with an adjoining dwelling.
  • The dwelling must have as main energy for heating electricity, natural gas or residual forest biomass.
  • The home must be built by a contractor who has received training and is Novoclimat certified by the  BNQ.
  • The dwelling must be located in Quebec and below the 51st parallel  .